The feedback signal is obtained from a type K thermocouple sensor, the error signal is determined with respect to the desired value and the temperature set point that evolves along with the heating routine, this error signal enters the PID control algorithm previously conditioned to then be transformed into a pulse width modulated analogy control signal through the embedding of a PWM algorithm. Figure 1 shows the developed control block diagram, demonstrating a negative loop system. The VI combines PID and PWM algorithms to achieve fine temperature control without the need to have control over the amount of input voltage.

To acquire signals coming from the PC we use the Serial.available() and Serial.read() functions.Įlectronic temperature control of the heating blanket was implemented through a virtual instrument (VI) developed using the LabVIEW programming environment. The information processed in the Arduino is sent through serial communication to the computer, through the Serial.println() function. The programming of the Arduino software is done using the ma圆675 library which is responsible for acquiring the temperature through a thermocouple sensor using the thermocouple.readCelsius() function. The source code of the developed software has as its main structure a while loop that allows the user to stop the process at any stage of the process, in addition, this while loop contains the fraction of code that controls the Arduino UNO made with the NI-VISA library, in addition to two case structures, the first allows selecting one of four heating path options, the second contains the PID and PWM algorithms that send the digital signal that drives the solid-state relay. On the other hand, the control signals emitted by the serial port are communicated to the outside through an Arduino UNO, which is an embedded device designed with an Atmega328p microcontroller which is responsible for acquiring the signals due to temperature as well as communicating them to the developed software.

of the signal that allow to control the temperature. We developed a temperature control software using programming in the language of blocks (Language G) using LabVIEW which is a program developed by the company National Instruments, of which previously loaded modules were used to perform the related control tasks.

Realizing an electronic temperature control system is important for different industrial and research applications, these control systems are common in laboratories that work with material synthesis, as well as research in the annealing of thermoluminescent materials.