This is due to how the WDS was originally structured around the SVG plug-in.

The only non-functional operation in our online-version is clicking links in the diagram to open the appropriate tree link for the component online the links will work in Internet Explorer 5.5 to 8 only, and when the browser is using the Adobe® SVG plug-in. The on-line version of the BMW WDS is identical to the normal "as-shipped" BMW WDS for content and usage, but for our online version the code has been modified to work on most any modern browser that supports running Java Applets.

We are providing the entire contents of the BMW and Mini WDS here for your convenience in all languages as provided on the WDS originally. The minimum screen resolution is 800 x 600, and only some mobile browsers may render the images properly, and most cannot run the Java applet required to render the menus. The Tele Atlas(R) website, has a section for reporting map errors. This section can also be accessed by clicking on the following link: that the WDS System is not mobile friendly. This is not a hardware problem in the MINI navigation systems. The Tele Atlas(R) Road Map has incorrect or missing data. Lane direction changes, dependent on time and day

The route calculation has discrepancies for certain addresses, for instance: ^ Point Of Interest (POI) is missing or incorrect ^ Street name, house number or city is missing or incorrect The route guidance is inaccurate and therefore irritating to the customer or it is not possible to locate certain addresses, for instance: MODEL All models with option 609 (Navigation System Professional) or option 606 (Navigation System Business, CHAMP2) and NAV road map from Tele Atlas(R)

SUBJECT Navigation System Has Missing or Incorrect Road Map Data This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI M65 06 10 dated August 2010. Navigation Module: All Technical Service Bulletins Navigation System - Missing Or Incorrect Map Data