He is the author of the "Expositor's Study Bible," 13 Study Guides and 30 Commentaries on the Bible. Swaggart is the author of several Christian works offered through his ministry, as well as an autobiography To Cross a River and a personal account of the 1988 scandal The Cup Which My Father Hath Given Me: A Biblical Revelation of Personal Spiritual Warfare. The weekly "Jimmy Swaggart Telecast" and "A Study in the Word" programs are seen nationwide and abroad on 78 channels in 104 countries as well as live over the internet. Swaggart's television ministry that began in 1975 continues today airing nationally and internationally to a potential viewing audience of over 80 million. Swaggart's telecasts were seen by more than 8 million people in the United States and by more than 500 million people worldwide. /rebates/2f97809769530362fExpositors-Study-Bible-Giant-Print-097695303X2fplp&. The present full color glossy edition is distributed online and. The first issue of the monthly magazine, The Evangelist, was four pages and printed in black and white. He has also written 13 Study Guides and 36 Commentaries on the Bible.

According to the official website for Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, his 1980's telecast was transmitted to over 3,000 stations and cable systems each week. The leather bound edition of the Expositors Study Bible is the fastest selling Study Bible in the world. He has preached to crowds around the world and pioneered televangelism through his weekly telecast. Jimmy Lee Swaggart is a non-denominational American pastor, teacher, singer, pianist, and televangelist.