Many Internet connection IP addresses are associated with a DNS machine name. Your Internet connection has no Reverse DNS You can use the report of their arrival as handy confirmation that your intrusion logging systems are operating correctly, but please do not be concerned with their appearance in your firewall logs. Since we own this IP range, these packets will be from us and will NOT BE ANY FORM OF MALICIOUS INTRUSION ATTEMPT OR ATTACK on your computer.

If you are using a personal firewall product which LOGS contacts by other systems, you should expect to see entries from this site's probing IP addresses: -thru- NO INFORMATION gained from your use of these services will be retained, viewed or used by us or anyone else in any way for any purpose whatsoever. Since these probings must travel from our server to your computer, you should be certain to have administrative right-of-way to conduct probative protocol tests through any and all equipment located between your computer and the Internet. ShieldsUP!! benignly probes the target computer at your location. Your use of the Internet security vulnerability profiling services on this site constitutes your FORMAL PERMISSION for us to conduct these tests and requests our transmission of Internet packets to your computer. Please take just a moment to read and consider these three points: If you are new to this site and our services:

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