You can use a direct USB connection, which is as simple as plugging the two ends of the cable into the controller and your Mac. If you’re using a gamepad rather than keyboard controls, you’ll need to connect it to your Mac. Leave everything else on default unless you know specific settings under the Hacks tab that need to be activated. You may also want to change the internal resolution to something higher, but starting with PS2 Native is a good idea so that you can increase the internal resolution if you still have some performance to spare.

You don’t need to change much here, but make sure that the render is set to the Metal API, and not OpenGL. We are using a base model M1 MacBook Air with the lowest-end GPU in the range for this guide.

However, the built-in GPU in Apple’s M1 (or newer) Apple Silicon Macs is powerful enough. Macs like the Intel MacBook Pros that use Intel integrated graphics are unlikely to offer a great experience. So, we recommend a quad-core Mac with hyperthreading and a dedicated Nvidia or AMD GPU with 4GB of VRAM. These minimum hardware specifications may not be enough to run some titles at a playable performance or high resolution. Although it may be by the time you read this guide. At the time of writing, the macOS version of this software isn’t yet an official release. The above hardware requirements are taken from the Windows and Linux versions of PCSX2. A PS4 or PS5 controller is highly-recommended A copy of the macOS version of PCSX2 (the emulator we’re using).A macOS X computer with (at minimum) 4GB of RAM, a dual-core CPU, and a DirectX 10 GPU with 2GB of VRAM.(08-26-2012, 10:27 AM)vsub Wrote: Are you trying to run the IMG file(IOP*****.Before we get into the technical details, let’s lay out the list of things you’ll need to follow in this tutorial. (pxActionEvent) IsoFS could not find the root directory on the ISO image.(thread:EE Core) (IsoFS) Invalid partition descriptor encountered at block 0x10: '' IsoFile open ok: C:\Users\Dragon\Desktop\New folder (7)\IOPRP300.IMG Everytime I attempt to load it it says File not found Path: isofilesystem. Please help! This happens everytime i try and load the CDVD The file i have is from the disc I own.